The Gym is open 7 days a week strictly between the times stated below. No access should be made outside of these times due to the auto alarming system in place across the site.
Mon-Fri 6:00am-7:30pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-7:30pm
Please ensure all equipment is wiped down and sanitised after use, with the spray and paper towels provided.
If you are exercising alone please use the Buddi clip located in the gym in case of emergencies. Information on how to use the Buddi Clip can be found in the gym.
Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the equipment before use. Access to video guides can be found in the gym.
There are separate Male and Female changing facilities – each with showers. Please ensure no belongings are left unattended and showers are left in a suitable condition for the next person.
If there is an issue with any of the equipment please ensure you report it to a member of the team.
You can contact reception on 0000 using the gym phone provided.
Do not try to use any equipment that is not fit for use.