Is your business ready for the ‘new normal’?

13th March 2021

We’re at a fascinating cross-roads – a revolution – for what is considered to be ‘normal’ in the world of work. We’ve been forced to embrace more change and uncertainty in the past 12 months than most businesses would typically face across a decade, so as lockdown comes to an end and the question of returning to the office emerges, is your business ready for flexible working?

Flexible working (also known as smart working) is on the mind of most managers at the moment, as we begin to think about how much of the past year we choose to take forward into the next phase of our business plans, to meet the expectations of how we should now live and work.

For many, working from home has been great – reduced commutes, spending more time with our dogs and often increased productivity and well-being, so understandably employees don’t want to give that up completely. But for others, the isolation, or at the opposite end of the scale – lack of personal space – has been hard and these staff are ready to return to the office, in a safe, considered way.

So as an employer, how are you going to meet the needs of both varying groups, whilst still running a profitable business?

At Pera Business Park, our in-house team of experts have been talking to our tenants and prospective clients about what they need from their office space going forward. For many, this means adapting their processes and facilities accordingly to meet the demands of a new work/life balance.

Some current tenants have already made the decision to upscale their offices to accommodate socially distanced working for their teams. On the other hand, for some it means the opportunity to down-size, as less staff will be on-site at one time and therefore savings can be made as operations are streamlined.

Our hassle-free way of working means our tenants quite often move into bigger or smaller spaces, share offices and work different shifts – and that’s fine by us! However you want work, we can accommodate you.

If you’re yet to put a plan in place to manage this ‘new normal’, don’t panic – we can help.

As well as a variety of affordable, fully-managed office spaces to suit companies of all shapes and sizes, Pera Business Park also offers the benefit of:

As we all evaluate our own road-maps for coming out of lockdown, the reality is, that those organisations who don’t react are at risk of losing staff and clients to businesses who have embraced this change and can thereby offer the most accommodating package.

It’s fair to say that 12 months ago, the majority of us were guilty of presuming most roles had to be done face-to-face, in the office, with little flexibility. But if lockdown has shown us anything, it’s that this simply isn’t true!

The rule book has been thrown out. Expectations and social norms are being re-decided. So now is the opportunity to set how YOU want to work. What works for you, your business, your clients and your team?

If you’d like to have a chat about your business needs, send us an email to or call 01664 501501. Let’s discuss how Pera Business Park can help you and your team straightforwardly get ready for the new normal.